Pray for Peace
In 21st Century the biggest problem the world faces is lack of Peace in the society as well in the family. True believers of Jesus are expected to pray and work for this peace. We pray to the father who is the Author of the world to eradicate the evil doers and bring peace in the world and family.
Family Prayer
Real power is produced in the family by way of family prayer where the Holy Spirit takes control of such families. The family that prays never fails. We pray that every family of the father unites themselves in prayer and honour our Father in heaven.
Pray for the Church
Our Catholic church is known as the suffering church which partakes in the passion of Christ. It is being led by Pope, Bishops, Priests and religious who stand in the place of Moses facing problems in different ways. We as one family let us pray for these Church leaders to discern the will of God and take the Church to the kingdom of God.
We and the Rosary
Our Mother Mary is the Church’s model of faith and charity (CCC. 967). In the Rosary she prays with us to fulfil the word of God. As she confirms the faith and charity by her presence, the Rosary also demands us to express the same to others.